Tuesday, February 9, 2010

sharing links

http://www.wsu.edu/~amerstu/pop/tvrguide.html This link is from teachingmedialiteracy.com

This is one of the many useful links this website refers to that offers educators advice on how to teach and incorporate many media forms into the classroom. This particular site is about integrating popular culture and critical thinking. It focuses on "issues of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, cultural imperialism and censorship, as shaped by and reflected in various mass media." This site gives you the option to look more closely with tons more links about different types of popular culture like fashion or advertisements. The advertisements section brings up information about advertisements and offers many links to view current popular ads or commercials. It also gives you insight as to how to critically analyze popular culture and what type of lens to wear. This would be a great site to use on a daily basis when teaching these children that will be experts on popular culture.

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